Hair is an important part of any character’s personality. Learn to draw various hairstyles and your possibilities in the fine arts will expand significantly! We have collected together 100 drawings of male and female hairstyles for sketching. Download for free! Use as ideas for your own creativity.

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Male and female hairstyles for drawing

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A set of hairstyles for girls in anime style. Black and white graphics on a checkered background. Easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime style girl with nine different hairstyles. It will help you learn how to draw hair and choose the style of the character

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A black-and-white drawing of a girl with a half-dissolved plait without facial features. Helps you understand how to draw hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of girls’ faces in anime style with different hairstyles. The most popular styles, it is not difficult to draw similar

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Pencil drawing of a braided headband or wreath at the back of the head. Detailed hair styling

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Men’s hairstyles in anime style. Guy’s face and nine hairstyles. Easy to draw and make your character style

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Pencil drawing of a hairstyle with two “bumps” of hair on a checkered background. Helps you learn how to draw complex styling

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A two-thirds pencil drawing with an emphasis on the two-bump hairstyle. Learn to draw hair, eyes, eyebrows of a girl

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Pencil drawing of silhouettes of girls with four different hairstyles in a realistic style without facial features. Helps to draw naturalistic hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Pencil drawing of a girl with a bow in a semi-realistic style. Helps draw hair and a bow with shadows and highlights

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Drawing of a girl from the back, emphasis on long hair, updo and big bow. It will help you learn how to draw princesses and beauties

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A very simple drawing of a girl’s head in anime style. The baby smiles, gets angry, winks. She has different hairstyles. Easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A guy with a tousled hairdo in anime style on a plaid background. Learn to draw men’s faces in anime and shaggy hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime style girl’s face with pencil shadows on a checkered background. Teaches you how to draw hair and different hairstyles, easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

The back of the head of a girl with a haircut is one bun on the right side. It will help to draw complex styling and understand how hair is arranged

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketchy heads with markings on a checkered background. Six hairstyles – three for girls, three for guys or universal. Very easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Colored hairstyle with highlights on a plaid background in anime style. Pink hair, transitions of light, reflexes and shadows

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A large set of twenty hairstyles for girls and guys in anime style on a checkered background. Simple drawings are easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of hairstyles in anime style for girls and boys, long and short hair. Easy to learn, just a few lines, suitable for beginners

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

The process of drawing an anime girl’s hairstyle from sketching to hair coloring. Helps to understand structure, colors, highlights, shadows

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Women’s hairstyle with a circular braid on the back of the head. Detailed pencil drawing with a bow. Learn to draw complex styles

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketch of the face of an anime style girl with long hair. It will help you understand how to draw long hair in front

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Drawings of a girl in Disney style on a checkered background. Teaches how to portray emotions – indignation, resentment, as well as a hairstyle with a “bump” on the back of the head and strands on the sides

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Girl in profile with long hair, pencil drawing with color transitions, shadows, highlights. Learn how to draw hair in profile

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A very simple sketch of a female hairstyle in anime style with two ponytails. Suitable for beginners

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Girl in profile with red hair, drawing in graphic style. Teaches you how to depict a female profile, painting with color transitions, hair styling

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A simple drawing of an anime girl’s hairstyle without facial features on a plaid background. Just a few lines, easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Curly girl with long hair on a plaid background in comic style. Learn how to draw complex hairstyles

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

An anime style girl without facial features with long blue hair. Color transitions, shadows, highlights on the hair are drawn in detail

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Four drawings of a girl in anime style with different hairstyles and emotions from a smile to tension. Painting with shadows and highlights

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Detailed drawing of a girl in profile with a “bump” hairstyle on the back of her head. Learn to draw complex styling

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of figures in anime chibi style with different hairstyles. Girls and boys, different styling in chibi style

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime style girl without facial features with long hair. Hair is detailed with shadows, transitions, highlights

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Stylized drawing of a girl’s face with five different emotions. Easily repeat a style and develop your own

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime guy hairstyle without facial features. Learn to draw simple male hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Nine hairstyles for girls in anime style. Drawings without facial features, teach to depict hair. Suitable for beginners

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Four anime-style faces without specific features with different hairstyles on a plaid background. Easy to repeat pattern

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Graphic drawing of a girl with two buns, the girl looks up and shows two fingers. Learn to draw in graphic style

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A sketch of the girl’s head in anime style with detailed hairstyles. Eight hair styling options

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Two women’s nape with different hairstyles: a braid with a bun and loose with a ribbon. Learn to draw hair in light color

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A set of undetailed anime style faces with different hairstyles. You can try different character styles

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Simple graphics in anime style, a girl on a checkered background. Hairstyle – a bun on the head, drawn in several lines. Easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Men’s anime style hairstyles nine options. Will help you learn how to draw guys hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Women’s hairstyle without a face on a pink checkered background. There are transitions, highlights, color gradients

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Women’s hairstyle without a face in a classic style. Medium short hair. Drawing on a checkered background

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

The back of the girl’s head in a traditional style with complex styling – a braid on the back of her head, roses are woven. Pencil drawing with shadows, highlights

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of a girl’s head in a comic style with different hairstyles and different angles. Helps you learn how to draw hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime style girl on a checkered background from different angles and with different hairstyles. Learn to draw facial expressions and hair position

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of heads in anime style with bright hairstyles. Hair is drawn in detail, with painting

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Pencil drawing, Disney style girl with detailed high updo hairstyle. Learn to draw faces and hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime style girl on a checkered background. Different angles, demonstration of drawing a pigtail from the side from a sketch to a detailed weave

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Two sketches with detailed hairstyles for girls. Depicted from the back of the head. Long hair: braid and loose hair with weave elements

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Very simple sketches of faces in anime style. Schematic sketches of hairstyles. Easy level

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Outline of a girl’s face in comic style. Schematic sketches of hairstyles will help you create your character style

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of girls’ faces in anime style on a checkered background without detail. There are short and long hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Demonstration of drawing the face and hairstyle of an anime-style girl from the sketch stage to highlights, transitions, shadows. Easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Pencil drawing of a girl from the back. The hair is braided into a braid that is not visible because of the clothes.

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketchy drawing of a guy in anime style. Ten different hairstyles

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of a girl’s face with different hairstyles. Suitable for creating a concept of a character and his appearance

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A set of faces of girls and guys with very diverse hair styles. Easy to repeat and create a unique character style

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Four hairstyles for girls – from styling to caret. Pencil sketches, easy to draw yourself

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

The back of the head of a girl with red hair. Bundle at the back of the head. Detailed hair, realistic pencil image with color

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Three drawings of a Disney-style girl: profile, two-thirds view, frontal view and slightly from above. Learn to draw emotions and angles

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Six women’s hairstyles in a traditional style: from a bun to loose. Advanced level, high realism

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Hair of a girl in anime style without a face. Pink color, detailed drawing on a checkered background

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Profile sketches of guys and girls with different hairstyles. Easy to repeat simple drawing

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of faces of guys in anime style with different hairstyles on a plaid background. There are long and short hair, easy to draw

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime girl hairstyle. Long hair, purple color, detailed rendering with highlights and shadows

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Disney style girl on a plaid background with a short haircut. Easy to learn how to draw hair in color

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Comic style girl’s hair in color without face. Pink-red color, there are transitions and shadows

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Girl from the back of the head, pencil drawing of a bun hairstyle with complex styling. Help draw hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Six pencil sketches of girls’ faces, different hairstyles. Detailed black and white drawing will help you learn how to depict hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime style guy head, four hairstyles, one with a bandana. Different colors. Easy to learn for beginners

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Graphic drawing of a girl on a checkered background. Learn to draw a profile and graphics

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A simple sketch of a girl’s face in profile in anime style with different hairstyles. Novice Level

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A set of sketches of faces of girls in anime style with different hairstyles. Very simple drawings, easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A sketch of a guy’s face in a traditional style. Pencil drawing, short curly hair traced in detail

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A sketch of a girl in anime style on a checkered background. No detailing, easy to repeat hairstyle

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Drawing of a girl in Disney style, the girl screams. Helps to portray emotions of rage, indignation

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Hairstyles in anime style, black and white sketch without faces. Simple lines, beginner level

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

The long hair of the girl is drawn in anime style with color but no face. There is a detailed drawing of the hairstyle – contours, color, highlights

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Comic-style girl on a plaid background with a short haircut. Learn to portray emotions and short hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A sketch of a girl in a traditional style without facial features, but with medium-length tousled hair drawn in detail. Easy to understand hair structure

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Hairstyle in anime style without a face on a plaid background. Detailed purple painting with soft hair effect

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A sketch of the face and figure of a girl with a detailed drawing of a short haircut. The hair is dyed golden, the structure and shine are well conveyed.

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of girls’ faces in anime style with different hairstyles. Some flutter in the wind

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A quick sketch of an anime girl with light blue hair. Beginner level, easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Hairstyle in anime style without a girl’s face. The hair is drawn in detail on the back of the head a large bow-styling

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Sketches of faces of girls in comic style with different hairstyles. Showing short and long hair, easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Fragment of the nape of a girl in profile. Drawn in detail on a checkered background, a complex hairstyle with styling loops

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A quick sketch of the back of the head of a girl with an intricate hairstyle and styling on the back of her head. Elegant air pattern

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Girl with a bun at the back of her head and woven flowers. Simple drawing for beginners, easy to make similar

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Anime girl face from different angles and with a large selection of hairstyles. From braids to short hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Detailed long hair of a girl on a checkered background. Color transitions, shadows, highlights without a face

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Two drawings of girls with medium length hair. Pencil images, low complexity

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A detailed image of a girl’s braids on a checkered background from the back of her head. High detail and realism with highlights, halftone transitions.

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Very beautiful anime style hairstyles with star shine effect, pink, green and purple color gradient. Faceless

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A girl in a graphic style in profile, styling a braid and a bun at the back of her head on a checkered background. Low level of difficulty

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

A detailed tutorial on drawing anime style hair with a girl’s face. There are all guides, easy to understand and repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Six sketches of a girl’s face in anime style with different hairstyles. simple drawing

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Quick sketches of girls’ faces in anime style with light hairstyles. The easiest level for beginners

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Detailed realistic pencil drawing of a girl from the back of her head with an intricate bun and braid styling. High level of detail

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Original graphics depicting a girl with a mop of curly hair. It will help you learn how to draw complex hairstyles

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Quick sketches of girls’ faces in anime style on a plaid background with different hairstyles. Easy to draw

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

The face of a guy in a graphic style in profile with a modern hairstyle. The hair is detailed but easy to replicate.

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

An easy tutorial for beginners on how to draw an anime chibi face for a girl or boy with different hairstyles. Beginners will quickly understand the principle

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Three drawings: full face, two-thirds profile. Sketch of a girl’s face and three hairstyles with long hair

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

An anime-style boy’s face with different hairstyles and varying degrees of hair detail. Easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Quick sketches of anime boys’ faces with different hairstyles. There are markups to make it easy to repeat

Hairstyles Drawings For Sketching

Drawing of a girl in graphic style with color on a checkered background. Complex styling with flowers on the back of the head. hair in detail