K-Pop Demon Hunters is an animation movie about the girls-band that lives a double life. They’re K-Pop superstars who also happen to be demon hunters! We made some exciting coloring pages of all the characters introduced to us by Sony so far. Thin lines of drawings for extra finese while coloring – only for dedicated artists. Epic K-Pop singers and demon hunters from various perspectives to print online and color with whatever coloring tools you prefer.

K-pop music band of demon hunter all together in one coloring page

This singer girl is armed with a fan with sharp blades

Sword-armed singer and demon hunter, front and back view

A double-edged sharp blade in the hands of a cute K-pop singer. Epic stage costume to color

The K-pop demon hunter girl with a sharp fan coloring page, front and back view

Three demon-hunter girls in one coloring page, back view

Sword singer has a long pigtail while the girl armed with a fan likes her long hair loose on the stage

She performs on stage while holding the sharp edge, always ready to face demons

Cool stage costume and hairstyle to color, that’s what K-pop is all about

Outrageous K-Pop appearance of a girl does not prevent her from repelling demons

One of the most epic K-pop back views ever. A microphone in the left hand, a sword in right, this girl ready to face demons on the stage

This fan is not for fanning, it’s for defeating demons for sure