Peppa peeking from your phone’s main screen border

George Pig under Peppa Pig logo with a frog on his nose

Peppa Pig in a blue and yellow dress on green background

A family dinner with Daddy, Mommy, Peppa and George Pig on bright yellow background

Peppa in a crown letting balloons fly away

Kylie Kangaroo on pink background

Phone wallpaper with Rebecca Rabbit on white background

Wendy Wolf in a pink dress on dark gray background

Pedro Pony wearing glasses

Suzy Sheep with her arms open wide

Edmond Elephant wearing an orange coat

Cute little Zoё Zebra in a corner of a dark violet background

George Pig in a straw hat on dark yellow background

Peppa Pig ready to learn swimming

Peppa with black furrowed eyebrows in the center of red background

Peppa dreaming of being a princess in a crown

Peppa Pig sending you love hearts from the corner of your phone’s main screen

Peppa with glasses wearing a dress with Google Translate logo

Bright graffiti with Peppa Pig

Mummy and Daddy Pig on a notebook’s screen

Minimalistic phone wallpaper with Peppa looking at the blue sky

Peppa on green background holding her teddy bear

Peppa and George logo in the middle of gradient yellow and blue background

The Pigs family in a car: Mommy, Daddy, Peppa and George

Daddy Pig, Mommy Pig, Peppa Pig and George Pig on a beach buying ice-cream from Miss Rabbit

George Pig in red boots

Peppa Pig family on grass green background: Peppa and George with Daddy and Mommy

Mummy Pig reading a book in an armchair

Triple image of Peppa jumping on red background

Peppa in a wizard’s hat turning into a horse

Peppa Pig rolling Mandy Mouse in a wheelchair

Phone wallpaper with cute George Pig on pink background

Phone wallpaper with little George Pig ready to swim

Peppa sending love to George

Funny phone wallpaper with Peppa Pig and George wearing a cylinder hat

Peppa with her drawings

Peppa knows how to clean the house

Phone wallpaper with Peppa Pig logo on pink background

Peppa as a fairy queen on pink background

Peppa in the corner of a bright pink background