The endless wall of white roses. Part of the flowers is photographed close-up

Light pink roses are located in the center of this heart, dark red roses on the edges. Green leaves create an extra frame. White background

Many red roses in a crystal narrow vase

A wonderful combination of pink and green in this photo. There is also a white space for your inscription.

Red roses with foliage on the background of a window during the rain

Eleven red roses fastened with a red ribbon

Pink roses adorned with lush white buds

Dark red roses lie on a dark surface. If your girlfriend loves the Gothic subculture, she will surely be happy with this photo.

Small red roses as background, large pale pink roses as accents in this work of art

Beautiful bouquet in delicate colors. Looks like a bride’s bouquet

White-red bouquet with green foliage. All colors are balanced

The delicate pink petals of these young roses are adorned with tiny white flowers.

Orange roses surround two red buds

The chaotic arrangement of pink roses on a mirror table

Yellow roses in wicker basket on a wooden table

Green curling stems adorn this bouquet of white and pink roses

A tall heart-shaped box contains roses of all possible colors

White, yellow and pink roses are in this bouquet. Lacy white fabric and purple wall as background

Orange-red roses in a green cloth on a white background

Beautiful roses in white vases on a brick wall background

Warehouse of roses of various colors, top view

White roses lie on a white cloth next to a champagne glass

Little pink roses lie on top of each other

Close-up photo of wet red roses

Red, pink and white roses in a bouquet on a background of asphalt

Beautiful pink roses dropped a few petals. White background

Many white roses lie on wet glass

Multi-colored bouquet of roses. Colors don’t match at all

When you brought your girlfriend to a sushi bar and gave her a bouquet of roses

A large pile of roses lies on a wooden table next to a heart-shaped box

One red rose is in the center of a bouquet of white roses

Pink flowers held together by a pink cloth. White background

Top view on a bouquet of pink roses with white splashes

Delicate pink roses for your stepdaughter

Bright red roses tightly tied in a bridal bouquet

Giant bouquet of yellow roses

Three rubies lie on a wooden table next to five red roses

Purple roses in a small space lit by dark light

Natural pink roses are located quite far apart

The brightness of these pink roses was artificially enhanced, but this bouquet is still very beautiful. White background

A bouquet of red roses and a paper note lie on a white table

Dark red roses surround a white flower

Five fresh pink roses lie on a clean white cloth

Lush red roses in bloom itself. High concentration of colors per square decimeter

Three incredibly lush roses and white gypsophila. A small piece of fabric is designed for your inscription.

Good background for your greeting card. Rare roses with a white center and pink edges

Beautiful roses on a luxurious table of kings

Multicolored background consisting of many roses. A high resolution!

Dense roses in sparkling light. The bouquet is decorated with long thin stems

Young roses in a round box

Lush round bouquet of red roses. White background

Three beautiful roses and dozens of hearts

Roses of various colors in a construction trolley

White roses in a cocktail with pink flowers in one magnificent bouquet

These pink roses were recently in the garden, and today they are already in the photo studio

A basket of yellow-pink roses hanging on a tree branch

Bouquet of beautiful red roses in a frame of hay

Buds of purple roses close to each other

Many roses fell at the feet of a beautiful girl on the street

Wet crimson buds close up

A dense background consisting of hundreds of red roses

Red roses after rain

Incredibly bright roses in the daylight

The whole floor is strewn with roses. There are also other flowers here.

These roses look like they were forged from metal

A bouquet of roses lies on a wooden chair in a dark room