Get ready to soar to new heights of creativity with our balloon coloring page collection! Whether you’re celebrating someone’s birthday or other special occasion or simply love the whimsical beauty of balloons, you’ll definitively find a suitable design to fill with color.
Click a picture you like to print it online for free!

Eight balloons for a B-day party tied together

Coloring page with lots of funny balloons

A row of five huge flying balloons

Coloring page of three balloons with a little bow

Ten balloons for a birthday party tied together with a bow

“Mom” flying balloons with a smiling heart-shaped “O”

“Dad” flying balloons for coloring

Six balloons tied together waiting to be colored

Three balloons flying in the air

Birthday balloons hiding behind one another

Five balloons for a birthday party

Round, oval and heart-shaped balloons tied to a gift box

Five balloons flying in the air

Four heart-shaped balloons with strings forming hearts as well

Six heart-shaped balloons tied with a bow

Three balloons tied with a bow leaning in the wind

Simple coloring page with many cute balloons adorned with a beautiful bow

Five balloons with straight ropes rush to the sky

Coolest balloons for a party: oval, round-shaped and star-shaped

Ten balloons together

A mouse-shaped balloon hiding between ordinary ones

Flying heart-shaped balloons with wavy ropes

Oval balloons with a ribbon for warm words

Two balloon hearts for coloring

Harmonically flying balloons with short ropes

Bundle of heart-shaped balloons

Roundelay of festive balloons

Four minimalistic balloons waiting to be colored

Two plain balloons for coloring

Coloring page with a round, an oval and a heart-shaped balloon

Plenty of balloons stuck together

Just three cute balloons in the wind

Five balloons staying still

Coloring page with five balloons adorned with a giant bow

Two balloons and a bow