If you are serious about visual arts and aim to draw characters, you need to practice drawing the human body. This is not the easiest object to draw, but you will get it all over time. We have collected together over a hundred drawings of the human body for sketching. Drawings with marked proportions and skeleton of the body, ideas for drawing, many different postures of the human body. Download for free and hone your drawing skills.

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Female and male body for drawing

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Realistic drawings of a male body in pencil on a sheet

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Full-length athletic male body references for drawing

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The female body is standing right in front of you and marked with lines for easy sketching.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Anatomical sketch of a male torso

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Full length woman in high heels

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Head structure, simple ecorche scheme

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Hands in a relaxed position, as well as with tense muscles on a checkered background for a better vision of proportions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of arms, legs in various positions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Brushes with pencil in hand

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of the hand with a different bend of the fingers

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketch of a girl with rounded lines

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Poses with a sword for drawing

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Body structure with a sword on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Full-length female body sketch

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Body structure, front and back views on a checkered background for better vision of proportions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Reference of a man in full growth, hands on hips

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Slim female body for sketching in four poses

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketches of hands for sketching, you can see the joints of the fingers well

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Hand references in different positions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Torso structure with raised arms

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of a man in four different drawing positions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Hand references on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Human body skeleton consisting of boxes

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Step-by-step drawing from skeleton outline to muscles and skin

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Spiderman pose

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

A quick sketch of a fight without weapons

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Three poses of a young guy

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Head for drawing

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The girl is on her knees, her body is divided into sections for easier sketching

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

How to draw a full body anime girl

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

We draw a human hand from bones to muscles and fingers using a pencil

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Hand in a relaxed and tense position

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The human body is bent, as if a colossal energy passes through it

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

You can clearly see the structure of the male body and muscles in this picture. Checkered background will help you maintain proportions when sketching

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Eyes for sketching

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The difficult pose of the ballerina while dancing is broken down into simple steps

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Human body lies on its side, rear view

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The simplest sketch of the human body of a man and a woman

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Several body poses in motion

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

To draw a human hand well, take a look at the bones and joints of that part of the body.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Eight heads is the standard for the size of a male body when drawing.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Three different options for a swimsuit on a female body

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Spectacular girl poses, front and back views

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Human brush holding a flashlight

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Development of the female body in cartoon style with age

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

How to easily draw muscles on the arm

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

A woman poses for you, her body is marked with a diagram for easy sketching

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

A quick sketch of three female poses, marked with wireframe strokes

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Dance pose

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of a woman in a spectacular pose, knee-deep view

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Graphic representation of the eye in volume

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Curved long-fingered hand with fingers up on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketch of a girl with special focus on her torso

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of the female body, straight view, hands on hips

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Reference of neat hands on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Here you are clearly shown where to start drawing a human body and what result you will get from this.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Reference girl in motion

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of people differing from each other in physique and height

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of a man with a height of eight heads with the designation of proportions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Phased drawing of a female body in a static position

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Conditional outlines of the female body

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketching a hand from the shoulder girdle to the wrist

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Woman with marked lines of proportions on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of the female body in an open position with a tissue on her hands

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of the girl in a closed sitting position

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Reference of a girl with many lines for a better vision of her pose

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of the raised head almost in profile on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Head references in different tilt and rotation

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Step-by-step drawing of a lowered hand

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Visual explanation of hand construction

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Pencil sketch of a human eye in half turn

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The contour of the girl on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of people of different physique. Checkered background will help you maintain proportions when sketching

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Simple sketches of girls in spectacular poses

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Girl in a dynamic pose with her back facing you

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References for drawing anime girls

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

A woman sits sideways on the floor with her face turned in your direction. Checkered background for better understanding of proportions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Guy’s reference in dynamic, full-length and knee-deep poses

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Stylized bodies of a girl and a guy standing straight

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Building a girl in a theatrical pose with her face turned away from you

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of girls in expressive poses

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketching a female body in a vivid fighting stance. She’s ready to shoot her bow

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

A woman sitting on a chair. Closed pose, head down, checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Semi-frontal sketch of a calm male face on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Male torso with varying amounts of body fat as well as varying amounts of muscle mass

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

On a checkered background, the profile of a girl with a mole on her cheekbone

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Side view of the structure of a carefree seated girl on a chair

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The image of the contour lines of a male head in three main angles

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Phased construction of a female body on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketch of a human head, shown in half-face, with the designation of shadow places

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Building a man in a seated closed pose on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of human bodies standing straight, half-turn, sideways and back

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Woman, front view. Here it is indicated what the spine line looks like when a person stands upright, and how it bends when the inclination of the shoulders changes.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketch of a curved female torso with shadows

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Building a guy with a sword

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of a full-length man in four different poses, one with a spear

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketch of a seated woman, front view. Checkered background will help you figure out the proportions

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Here’s how to build a male body from simple shapes and lines.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of the female body and next to a sketch of what the skeleton looks like.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Woman, rear view. The lines indicate what the spine looks like when a person stands upright, and how it bends when the inclination of the shoulders changes.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Shown here are girls in dynamic poses. Checkered background will help you maintain proportions when using your reference.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Here you can see the phased structure of the half-turn head with a detailed explanation of the proportions.

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References of a man in various spectacular poses on a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The static structure of the female body in a half-turn with a phased raising of hands

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

References girls in dynamic poses

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Plotting of enamored woman and man standing together on checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Sketches of eyes with fear emotion directed straight, sideways and upward

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Here you are shown the proportional construction of the female body in three angles: front view, side view, back view

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

Reference of an athletic man clenching his fists against a checkered background

Drawings of Human Body For Sketching

The structure of a static male body in different poses on a checkered background
