One of the victims of coronavirus drank at least five liters

Do not see, do not breathe, do not leave home

Coronavirus protection that is pleasant to wear. Take it from your girlfriend

The medieval plague doctor costume is again relevant. He holds the strains of the virus in his hands

Typical Chinese date during the coronavirus epidemic

Even superheroes have switched to fighting evil on the Internet

King among all viruses

That is how this year began.

I stand in line at the post office

This guy sacrificed safety for a bad habit

Maximum virus protection for a socially active profession

Coronavirus! If you come to the USA, you will have to survive Chuck Norris

I have a sanitizer down here

I can’t come today, boss. I have a coronavirus

Handy materials in the service of the people

Funny poster from the movie “Home Alone”, urging you to wash your hands

A variation on the theme of the famous meme about two girls and a white cat. But now the coronavirus is to blame

This is what luxury and wealth look like during the time of the coronavirus

Cute dog in a medical mask

Coronavirus, you will not pass here!

That’s why the sale of large citrus fruits soared during the coronavirus.

Meanwhile in Russia…