Queen Elizabeth the second reings over Great Britain ever since 1952. Internet gathered a lot of funny photos of the Queen, we’ve brought you the best of them. 50+ funny photos of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II. She grimacing, picking her nose, showing her tonque and doing lots of cool things. Long live the Queen!
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What’s that dish? Give me my fish with spinach

Queen wearing funny queen of hearts dress

Mic eyes

At the first date with your crush

Funny like anybody’s granny

Evilish red laser eyes of powerful Elizabeth

When Brexit happened right before the crisis in Europe

Don’t you dare telling me this! Angry queen point her finger up

You will never get the throne

Power-thirsty monarch is what the queen is on this photo

When all the nail masters are locked down due to pandemic

No it’s not the time yet

The queen picks her nose while no-one’s watching

The queen looks cute and innocent, but this appearance is deceptive

Luxurous green outfit, swag style from the Queen

Elizabeth the second wearing a dress with an image of Elizabeth the first

Not bad, Obama face performed by the Queen

When the Colorado potato beetle ate all the potatoes in the garden

Long live the Queen, even longer than the Universe

That cunning grin

Queen of the night Elizabeth the Second

When someone said that dresses can be multicolored

Sad and disappointed queen when she saw her daughter-in-law

Immortality? Yes, please give me two!

Queen as cute as an angry child. Pure emotions here

Queen craving for vengeance

Hello there, here I am! The Queen poking out of her room

Close-up of unpleased Queen’s face in green hood

The Queen have some questions about your behavior

Queen elizabeth showed imprudence by wearing green dress in public. Internet reacted with lots of memes

One of a thousand of funny grimaces of the queen

Increadibly cheerful and cute Queen kinda saying “Here I am!”

And the next time she’s like – Don’t come near me

She yawned while driving

Funny queen wants somebody to save her from watching this show

It’s a shame I’ve just saw this – Queen thinks. A little facepalm from her

Prinve Philipp is more funny on this photo, but the Queen keeps up

When Great Britain is not top-1 world empire anymore

Looks like I’m not married anymore, gotta be ready for anything tonight, she said

Famous funny photo of Elizabeth the second biting her nails

Swag sunglasses after dark

Spectacle begins with bloodthirsty smile of the Queen

Tonques out

When your shoelaces are untied and you are holding three bouquets and two bags of groceries

Anime dress of the Queen

That’s the aftermath of wearing green dress if you’re a queen

You definitely in danger if the Queen stares at you like this

Elizabeth looking at camera and have her fingers crossed

You know that funny smile can hide something villiantish

Jackpot! Funny and cheerful queen

Funny dress with amazed cat on the Queen

Funny shot of the Queen Elizabeth during the conversation

Compilation of 6 funny shots of the Queen

At last this trophy is mine!

Learning the rainbow colors by the dresses of the Queen

Evil face of the Queen, and Trump lying on the floor. Who could possibly do that to him?

Fingers crossed for someone she’s looking at

When you’re trying to smile but its rainy outside