Scary will-o’-the-wisp on black background

Halloween phone wallpaper of a bat

Ghosts on a boat trip with a black cat and bats

Halloween wallpaper for the phone with Jack-o’-lantern in the shape of a cat’s head

8-bit Halloween phone wallpaper with a ghost, a girl and a Jack-o’-lantern

Raven on dark yellow background

Cartoon zombie, Halloween wallpaper for your phone

A cute 8-bit ghost sending you his love

Three scary Jack-o’-lanterns for your phone

A demonic tree with pumpkins for your Halloween wallpaper

A zombie in torn pants – funny phone wallpaper for Halloween from Plants vs Zombies videogame

Minimalistic art of a witch with a cat

Skeleton made of pumpkin in shackles

A headless man holding a Jack-o’-lantern

Halloween phone wallpaper with a raven at the grave

Jack-o’-lantern emanating violet smoke on top of a man’s head

Happy Halloween bright inscription for your phone main screen

Wallpaper for the phone with a raven sitting on a Jack-o’-lantern, gray background

Baron Samedi with a black cat and Jack-o’-lantern in the background of a full moon

Anime witch, ghosts and pumpkins to make your Halloween cool

Halloween muffins – wallpaper for the smartphone

Creepy cocktail with spiders and human eyes

Celebrate this Halloween in anime style with this wallpaper

Bright and scary Jack-o’-lantern

Phone wallpaper for Halloween with cute candies

A wooden human with a cookie in the shape of Jack-o’-lantern

Little bats wishing you happy Halloween

Jack-o’-lantern full of candies on black background

Jack-o’-lantern being cute

Happy Halloween inscription with pumpkins on yellow background

Minimalistic phone wallpaper for Halloween with a cat, a raven and a Jack-o’-lantern

A very arrogant cartoon bat as Halloween wallpaper

Plague doctor on green background phone wallpaper

A cute demonic bat as a wallpaper for the phone

A pretty little ghost with a Jack-o’-lantern

Jack-o’-lantern wandering in the dark

Cartoon phone wallpaper for Halloween with a Jack-o’-lantern, transparent background

A scarecrow with Jack-o’-lantern instead of the head

A woman’s hand holding a skull-decorated cup

A little zombie girl without arms, scary phone wallpaper

Spooky children turning into monsters this Halloween

This little spider wishes you happy Halloween

Halloween wallpaper for the phone with nimble Jack-o’-lantern

Silhouette of a scary ghost on black background

Spooky voodoo doll with human eyes as lollipops and a Jack-o’-lantern

Somebody is escaping from the grave

Halloween supernatural party with a ghost, a Jack-o’-lantern and a skull

Attractive witch holding a Jack-o’-lantern, phone wallpaper with blue background

A pumpkin-head witch at a graveyard

Jack-o’-lanterns in the countryside to make a Halloween wallpaper for your smartphone

A horrible house guarded by Jack-o’-lanterns

A kettle with human bones to make really creepy wallpaper for your phone