Black holes are space objects that are very difficult to see. The light cannot escape from a black hole, and it is impossible to see this object with the naked eye. After many years of work by the specialists of the Event Horizon Telescope project from around the world, we received the first photo of the black hole of all time. Previously, you could only see drawings and images of artists fantasizing about this topic. Here you can find photos taken with a network of telescopes around the world. Download for free and share with friends!

High quality pictures of a Supermassive Black Hole

Photos of the Black Hole. The First Real Pictures Ever

High resolution picture of a black hole in JPG format. The photo was taken on April 10, 2019

Photos of the Black Hole. The First Real Pictures Ever

Even better photo in PNG format

Interesting fact: scientists took half a ton of hard drives to store all the intermediate data. This is what happens when the data really weighs a lot.

More interesting facts in the video presentation from scientists