Winter is a special time of the year when the water turns into ice and snow. It’s getting pretty cold outside, and it’s time for cozy gatherings with hot drinks under a blanket in the company of your loved ones. Crunch the snow under your feet and enjoy the beauty of nature. We invite you to capture the winter atmosphere in your social media profile picture. A large collection of winter avatars is waiting for you on this page. About 200 profile pictures of winter landscapes, a cozy interior, animals and people during the winter for any social networks. Download for free!
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Couple hundred of winter profile pictures

The girl went out in the winter in a shirt. She looks at the dawn and the snowy canvas without a trace

A fabulous winter forest, the sun barely breaks through its dense branches. The sun’s rays can only illuminate one small tree

Two cups of hot drink in a warm blanket by the fireplace. We also want to get into such a cozy interior in winter.

This river has barely begun to freeze this winter. The banks of the river are decorated with tall trees in the snow

An adult couple on Christmas Eve warms up by the fireplace and drinks coffee with cream. A happy dog sits nearby

Landscape from the height of the mountain, a magnificent winter view of the lake and mountains as a profile picture

Bright blue windows from frost. The interior, on the contrary, is filled with the warmth of a candle and hot tea.

The skier has climbed a high mountain and is about to go down through the dense forest. Magnificent sunrise view

Pistachio coffee, three delicious cakes and an interesting book lie on the windowsill while it’s winter outside. Cozy profile picture for the winter

A girl in white woolen stockings sits in a white interior and drinks tea with cookies while it’s freezing outside

The cat lies on a blanket on the windowsill and plays with a Christmas tree toy while winter is raging outside the window

An incredibly bright Christmas tree glows on the banks of the river. Perhaps this is a river of tears from the difficulty of life, and the Christmas tree is the only joy in the form of the holidays.

The girl on the balcony is glad of the snow that has fallen. Winter profile picture without a face for a blonde girl

A walk in the winter park is a great idea; you shouldn’t sit at home all your free time. This profile picture will remind you of this.

The snow-covered branches of the trees form a heart against the blue sky. Sunny winter day as profile picture

The guy stands with his back to the camera, he illuminates the winter forest with a bright spotlight during a heavy snowfall. Profile picture without face

A couple is sitting by the fireplace in colorful patterned socks. Two mugs of coffee are on the sides, a fur blanket is underfoot. Winter interior is filled with comfort

Winter avatar for a romantic couple, a guy kisses a girl on the forehead, holding her by the palms of her hands
You can put a winter profile picture in the summer to cool your social network a little

The guy is standing at the top of a cliff with a magnificent view. Profile picture without a face for a guy

A snowboarder kicks up snow as he quickly descends the mountain. Profile picture for snow board lovers

A lonely house decorated for Christmas, standing at the foot of the mountain. Someone has come there and is heating the fireplace

A girl with long hair turned her back sharply against you against the background of a winter landscape

All the vegetation in this profile picture is completely white because it is winter and it is frost.

A guy in a winter jacket and a black hat stands on a dais and enjoys a magnificent winter view of the forest and mountains

A black silhouette walks along a snowy road along the trees during a snowfall. A slightly sad and wistful profile picture with a great winter mood
If the picture conveys your mood, then this is a flawless profile picture.

Newly built wooden house on a hillside. Below is a frozen river. Great profile picture for those who like to spend time outdoors in winter

I want to leave the city for my cozy house and sit in an armchair under a blanket, drink hot chocolate and enjoy life

Cartoon drawing of winter. The trees and the house are covered with snow, there is a frozen lake nearby. Large snowflakes fall to the ground

A large tree grows in the forest. Now it is covered with snow and surrounded by garlands. A large star glows at the top of the tree