Dangerous and cool Sanderson sisters on the background of space and the Earth without inscription

Bold grinning Sarah is ready to destroy all the boys

Mary Sanderson in a beautiful red dress

Winnie Sanderson with a massive updo gesturing expressively on bright red and violet background

Very attractively looking Sanderson sisters in low-cut dresses

Cool cosplay of Sanderson sisters and other Hocus Pocus characters, Winnie with a vacuum cleaner

Art with Winnie, Mary and Sarah Sanderson around a pot with some blue potion

Horrible Winifred “Winnie” Sanderson grinning, a black veil over her head

Mary watching TV and eating snacks

Digital art of Sarah Sanderson on stripped violet background

Sanderson sisters in beautiful dresses ready to cast magic with their raised arms

Winnie, Mary and Sarah at a model of the Moon, Mary and Sarah casting lightnings

Cool art with Mary Sanderson on orange background

Cute anime-style Mary, Sarah and Winnie with a magic book

Mary, Sarah and Winnie on a vintage style art warning: I put a spell on you!

Pencil art of Winnie Sanderson with bright red hair

Winnie is about to do some magic

Sanderson sisters, Dani Dennison and Max Dennison and the black cat Thackery at a pot with potion, a candle in the foreground

Art with three prerry witches Sarah, Winifred and Mary appearing from behind their old house

Gender switch of Sanderson sisters, now portrayed as Sanderson brothers

Hocus Pocus universe: Sanderson sisters, black cat Thackery, zombie Billy Butcherson, Max and Dani Dennison and other characters

The Sanderson Sisters WANTED vintage poster

Spooky Mary, Winifred and Sarah in cartoon style on dark green background

Sarah Sanderson as a cute cartoon girl

Subtle drawing of Sarah Sanderson: come, little children, I’ll take thee away!

Watercolor drawing of Winifred saying “Another glorious morning makes me sick!”

Sanderson sisters casting magic on the background of the Moon

Winnie Sanders with her signature spooky grin

Mary Sanderson with a vacuum cleaner on blue background

Winifred Sanderson with arms wide apart, Mary and Sarah behind her

Amazing portrait of Winifred Sanderson

Cartoon style art with Winifred performing electrokinesis

Three witches from Hocus Pocus: Winifred, Mary and Sarah

Pixel stitched Sanderson sisters

Sepia art with the trio of Sanderson sisters, graveyard in the background

Hocus Pocus: les trois sorcieres

Digital art with angry Sanderson sisters

Wicked cunning Winifred with extremely long nails

Beautiful detailed art with Sanderson sisters surrounded by flames and bats

Sanderson sisters are up to no good

Hocus Pocus 2 poster with Sanderson sisters – Sarah, Winnie and Mary

“I put a spell on you” Hocus Pocus poster with Sanderson sisters

A portrait of Mary Sanderson on yellow background

Sarah Sanderson with long blonde hair on dark background

Three dangerous women: sisters Sarah, Winifred and Mary

Mary, Winnie and Sarah surrounded by green strems of magic

Cartoon art with Sanderson sisters showing electrokinesis powers

Sarah, Mary and Winnie flying over a city on a vacuum cleaner

Retro style drawing of Sanderson sisters riding a vacuum cleaner on the background of a full Moon, the black cat holding on to Mary

Femme fatales trio: Sanderson sisters on bright green background

Hocus Pokus alternative movie poster with Max, Dani and Billie Butcherson trying to attack Sanderson sisters

Pencil head portrait of Sanderson sisters, Willie casting lightnings from her fingers

Spooky trio of Sanderson sisters casting green magical flames

Sanderson sisters at a potion pot, Winnie holding a spell book, Billie Butcherson and Thackery Binx in cat form in the forefront

Cartoon art of Sanderson sisters on the background of a cemetery

Hocus Pocus parody poster with black background

Mary Sanderson with spooky absolutely black eyes ready to have a snack

Mary. Winnie and Sarah on white background

Hocus Pocus cartoon poster with Sanderson sisters on the background of a full moon

Attractive young Sarah Sanderson

Horrible witch Winifred Sanderson in green robes casting magic

Anime-style Sarah Sanderson in a pink dress on a broom at night

Sanderson sisters and a pumpkin lantern in the shape of a cat

Cunning and smart Sarah on dark violet background

Sanderson sisters on green background looking surprised

Minimalistic art with Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)

Winnie Sanderson up close and personal

Hocus Pocus poster with Sanderson sisters flying on a vacuum cleaner past the moon

Winifred Sanderson cooking a potion

Art with beautiful and dangerous witches Mary, Winnie and Sarah

Cartoon style art of Winnie Sanderson with her spell book and potion pot

Sanderson sisters warn: “I put a spell on you, and now you’re mine”

Bright art with Sanderson sisters studying a spell book by a potion pot, flames in the forefront